The Balder area embraces the Balder, Ringhorne, Ringhorne East and Jotun fields. It lies about 190
kilometres west of Stavanger in 125-130 metres of water.
Balder is an oil field developed with subsea-completed wells tied back to an FPSO where the oil and
gas are processed. Gas from Balder is piped to the Jotun FPSO for gas lift and final processing, while
the oil gets offloaded to tankers.
Ringhorne has been developed with a combined steel drilling, wellhead and quarters platform.
Oil from Tertiary strata is transferred to the Balder FPSO, while oil and gas from the Jurassic reservoir
goes to Jotun for processing. Ringhorne is regarded today as part of Balder.
An oil field located north-east of Balder, Ringhorne East produces through three wells drilled
from the Ringhorne platform. This output goes to the Balder and Jotun FPSOs for processing, storage
and transport.
Jotun is an oil field about 25 kilometres north of Balder. It has been developed with the Jotun A
FPSO and the Jotun B steel wellhead platform. This development is integrated with Balder and Ringhorne.
Oil is discharged to shuttle tankers, with processed rich gas carried via Statpipe to Heimdal
or Draupner for onward transport to markets in the UK and continental Europe.
All the fields in the Balder area are operated by Vår Energi, which is also the sole licensee for Balderand Ringhorne and has holdings of 77 and 45 per cent respectively in Ringhorne East and Jotun.